Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Back To The Ghosts!

Unfortunately this could very well be my last post. I know, it's depressing, but the sad fact is, none of us are getting any younger. And well, the school year for me is nearly up. Year twelve is at an end, and so is my art class.

As sad as this news may very well be, I have one last thing to show you all. My work that you've seen the progress of for the past 9-10 weeks. I said I was building a haunted house, and so...HERE IT IS!

Now you can't say you're not impressed by that huh? From small little boxes, to a brilliant masterpiece standing just under 7 feet tall. And to prove it's height, I am a mere 6f 5in. And here's me inside it!

Still not impressed? Then get lost before I happy gas ya!

Other than that...keep on smiling!

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