Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fremantle Arts Museum


Some of you may know of the Fremantle Arts Centre of today, but it wasn't always this. It used to be that of an INSANE ASYLUM (so naturally it gained my interest). The building itself is always cold. There is no air conditioning as it is not needed, even on the hottest of days in summer it's freezing.

It is said that there are three resident ghosts who haunt the building, one of them being a woman who does not venture far from her one walk way, angry and depressed over the loss of her baby child. Poltergeist activity, cold spots, voices and apparitions have all been reported, and it has a reputation of being Western Australia's most haunted building.

After two suspicious deaths before the 1900's became the Asylum shut down. In 1909 it became useful as accomodation for that of homeless women. From 1910-13 it was then a school for MIDWIFERY. In 1942 the building was subject to the American forces as a WARHEADQUARTERS during the world war.

Now days according to staff and visitors, the three ghosts have been sited. The depressed woman mentioned earlier, the psychotic insane male and the playful harmless female. The depressed woman committed suicide by jumping off the first floor of the asylum after admitance for going crazy over her child being kidnapped and possibly eradicated. She wonders the building continuously looking and grieving her lost child. The playful harmless female apparently accidentally killed herself when slipping on a wet floor and falling down a stair well. She was admitted into the asylum because she was just too loco and was friendly with everyone including complete strangers and was seen as a threat to herself. It has been said that people have felt kisses from no-one on their lips, cheeks and other places. This is the work of the playful young lady.

The last of the three ghosts is the male psychotic. Placed in the asylum for being too dangerous to man kind. He often plays tricks on visitors and staff (according to records) via moving inanimate objects or following people and causing paranoia. Random laughing can apparently be heard from some of the halls in the museum, but no-one is there to be laughing, this is the work of the male psychotic, a true loon, yet maybe the ghost of a Joker.

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