Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Kalamunda Hotel Ghost

PEEK-A-BOO! It might see you! might see it. HAHAHA!

It's said that in the hotel of Kalamunda that a female ghost walks among the halls of the elegant hotel. Footsteps and voices and objects moving on their own, it all seems quite the unbelievable. Anyone can say this mumbo jumbo and get away with it really, but unless you see it for yourself you'll never really know.

The story tells that the original and former owner of the Kalamunda Hotel Paddy Connolly was a player of sorts. A real ladies man who never loved, but had fun times (if you know what I mean). But one girl was unlucky enough to be the future care holder of his child. She was only a teenager and had fallen pregnant to this buffoon! So she took the easy way out and threw herself off a balcony and fell to her gruesome death. In failure to have lived her life, she now apparently lays dormant in the hotel. Pacing the halls, toying with the minds of the guests, the long blonde female ghost in a long nightgown is harmless but you'll sh*t bricks when you see her. The cheeky ghost is also a prankster as it is told that she trips of the fire alarm from time to time, and moves around peoples keys or simply follows guests around on the veranda. Some even say they are kissed but there is nothing to be seen kissing them.

A further tale of the story has the young lady suiciding in room 24 of the hotel where none stay for too long. Strange lights and unexplained events happen there. And the hall way is so called, even in the middle of summer. A great place for one with hiccups.

Another tale of the story is of Paddy Conolly himself and his daughter. Tis unfortunate for his daughter to have died in that of the hotel attic, and then further joined after his death. But this version is less popular than that of the dead dame.

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