Monday, August 17, 2009

GHASTLY GHOSTLY it's all the same!

TRULY a face of divine beauty! Wouldn't you say? HAHAHAHA!

This is infact the newspaper image I've been telling you all about! Infamous for it's frustrative natture on what the hell it means/resembles/blah blah blah.
Can you see the smile I see? Oh so happy! It brings a tear to my eye.
Alright, alright, stop staring! Take a photo it'll last longer.



This video titled !!!BOO!!! is of a ghost saying boo, and is to be played continuously over and over again until the end of time and space itself! Or until your bored and just wanna stop watching it. The painting in the previous post is in fact from a still of this.

What does this video mean? It sends a certain message, a message of the unknown that even the people who you think you know can hide in the darkness and pounce!

Or is it just me with a bag over my head made from newspaper saying boo! BELIEVE WHAT YOU WILL!!!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


GO AHEAD! Post a comment or your own posts here. Come on! I dare ya!

...I'll be sad if ya don't....


Me and My Artworks!

Now lets get this party started!

The Haunted House

To our left is the devilishly handsome and irresistible yours truly Vaughan F. Aka The Joker. And no...I am not the artwork as good as my chiselled jaw may be. HAHAHAHAHA! That big giant cardboard box thing I'm sitting in however is my artwork.

Yes in this photo it is somewhat incomplete! The front where I am peaking out of has since been modified and it is most likely to be painted (not just the front, the whole thing for you people who need that explaination).
But what is it? (And the question is of the castle, not me).

It is in fact that in the making of a haunted house. Yes that's right, I must find a human sacrifice to slay within the walls of newest creation so that it may be haunted...
...or we could go with the more legal way and just pretend and I'll ghost up the place. Although the sacrifice seems like more fun...
...fine!!! I'll ghost it up artificially.

The Smiling Ghost
Can you really say you expected something else from a ghost painting from me? In this painting I really just smeared all the paint with a brush to get the blury ghost effect I wanted. The smile (believe it or not) was not intentional. It's actually the shape of the shadow that I saw. The fact that only one eye showed up was gloriously apreciated. Would ya believe that it's only me with a newspaper bag I made over my head? Hee hee hee. PEAK A BOO!

Monday, August 10, 2009



The theme of this blog if you haven't already guessed is that of the ghastly ghouls and ghostly demons which reside in the buildings of the Western Australian society. The appearances, the scary activities of the unknown, the world of the supernatural and all that hide within! The purpose of this blog is to reach the opened minds of the readers and show some glorious artwork created by yours truly. Welcome to the blog of mysterious creations, creatures and wonders!


This subject will divide all of your opinions! At least it should anyway... We all have our own opinions on everything! Life, death which ever you like best this blog will open your mind. If you are willing to believe in what I tell you. Do you believe in ghosts, or do you not? Have you seen a ghost, or have you not? If you have a tale tell please don't hesitate to comment it on one of my posts. If you can relate it to one of my posts then post it on there. Other wise there will soon be a post made especially for public comments and tales.

Those of you that have lost loved ones near or in these buildings I give my sincerest apologies for publicizing the death or the spirit of your losses even more so than it is already. Other than that people...throw your opinions at me and blabber away!


Well now, let me see into my mind of doorways and enter the room of opinions and we shall see what I have to say. Oooooh! I've got something! Ah yes!...

I don't really know if I believe in ghosts yet. I'm in the middle of yes and no. I am yet to decide which end of the scale I'm on. A bias is yet to come to me. Although...if I were to die (I plan on living far so good) I wouldn't want to go to "heaven" or "hell", I'd much rather stay here on earth as a ghost! Ooooh, just imagine the fun I'd have! Pulling pranks on all those unsuspecting victims. Mucking around with all those who crossed me! Whispering in peoples ears making them think they're going CRAZY when they hear "the voices in their head!" HA HA HA HA HAAAAA HA HA HAAA!

Don't ya just love it! I'd be worse to society dead than alive! HAHAHAHAHAAAA HAHAHAAAA!!!


The ghosts of Western Australia dwell in the walls of the older buildings in the society we live in. The asylum holds crazy ghosts, the prison holds convicted ghosts, the hotel holds lonely ghosts. But just how many of us can say we know what we're talking about when we talk about ghosts? This artist blog will make things interesting!