Sunday, August 16, 2009


GO AHEAD! Post a comment or your own posts here. Come on! I dare ya!

...I'll be sad if ya don't....


1 comment:

  1. The Fremantle Art Mueseum - it's a really cool place to visit. Which is a strange thing for me to confess, for it gave me nightmares as a child.
    I was there one day with my mum, I think I was about 10, and we were walking down the upstairs hallway. We had no knowledge that the building had been reported as haunted.
    I started feeling really uneasy, hooked onto mum's arm and told her I wanted to leave the building right away. Against my demands, mum tried to ground me and just paced into the different rooms to try and distract me from being weary. I felt really cold and petrified, and every exhibit became daunting and unpleasant to look at. I was really hesitant to do anything and just wanted to bail on our visit.
    We eventually returned to the hallway, where mum let go of my grip and I walked behind her, trying to stay close. A few quick steps down the hallway, I went weak at the knees and couldn't walk at a steady pace, rather I was fighting against something that was slowing me down, like a barrier.
    I was reduced to tears, and this was when mum agreed that we should leave.
    I was slightly relieved walking down the staircase, to the landing where an old set of drawers was on display. We stopped breifly, and commented on how it would've been an orginal piece from the hospital and...
    Three slow knocks came from under the staircase, as if someone was deliberately thumping against it. We looked at eachother, thinking 'did that really just happen' and walked curiously down the last flight of stairs. We moved the curtain back, expecting to see a person, a staffmember, a tradesman, Harry Potter, or just anything... but the area under the stairs was completely vacant.
    It was when we got to the reception, that we told the staff of the thumps. They then told us about the woman who commited suicide after having her child taken away from her, and how she haunts that hallway we were in, also the staircase.
    So that's the story of my ghostly experience.

    Also, going to a cemetary at midnight at a 'ghost busting party' is a total letdown...

    absolutely no ghosts were captured on camera and zombie sightings were at an all time low, but I did capture this ever so flattering image of me in suitable goffix warpaint.
    "Who you gonna call?"
