Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Back To The Ghosts!

Unfortunately this could very well be my last post. I know, it's depressing, but the sad fact is, none of us are getting any younger. And well, the school year for me is nearly up. Year twelve is at an end, and so is my art class.

As sad as this news may very well be, I have one last thing to show you all. My work that you've seen the progress of for the past 9-10 weeks. I said I was building a haunted house, and so...HERE IT IS!

Now you can't say you're not impressed by that huh? From small little boxes, to a brilliant masterpiece standing just under 7 feet tall. And to prove it's height, I am a mere 6f 5in. And here's me inside it!

Still not impressed? Then get lost before I happy gas ya!

Other than that...keep on smiling!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


He’s an English artist who specialises in the art of cardboard sculpture. His many works are life size and amazingly realistic. He was born in Stockport (Great Britain) in 1997. His work is currently based there as it is his place of birth. He has in the past done group work and solo work but mainly produces his own cardboard masterpieces which are very life like and one man has in fact broken one of his artworks trying to drive out of the gallery (it was a cardboard car if you hadn’t guessed already). He is yet to die. So far he lives to see another day.

FIAT 500
Medium: Cardboard/Glue
Date Created/Completed: 2002-2004
Size: Life Size

Gilmour’s life size sculpture of the car model FIAT 500 is rather life like and very complex. This work is a solo project of Gilmour’s and one in a range of many life size cars he has in fact made. His technique is cutting the cardboard to the right shape and size then bending and gluing it to each other. Although he has been known to heat up the cardboard first before bending it for more durability, the same principle is used when he wets it slightly (more dampens it).

Date Created/Completed: 2007
Size: Life Size

Gilmour’s life size sculpture of Queen Victoria sat on her throne is again amazing in its great detail and careful features of the face. Again it is one in a range of life size people sculptures. This is also a solo production he has created in Great Britain. The same technique is used as before only this time with more precise cuts and moulding. It’s said this artwork was inspired by a coin over in England.

These artworks aren’t much different from the rest of his artworks. In fact...he is a method artist and this is practically the only way he makes his art. The only other way is that he sometimes works with other artists.

The artist commentary is rather that on how simplistic life can be. He goes into great detail with only cardboard to build and create the most complex of machinery or even inventions of our time. All they do is practically waste space and sit there. This is exactly what Gilmour’s art does but it is also a respected art of amazing sculpture. Some people may not be able to see this message as it is a breathe taking experience to see these magnificent time consuming projects.

Society hasn’t really noticed Gilmour’s art as much of a commentary; it is more wow worthy than thought worthy. It still has commentary attached, but the fact it’s all life sized cardboard is just too amazing to think of other such thoughts.

Chris Gilmour makes all his work from merely cardboard and glue. My artwork is made from cardboard and glue. The connection should be obvious, but if not...we both use cardboard and glue as our medium. His artwork shows me there are no limits to what is possible with cardboard when creating sculptures or anything really.

Monday, August 17, 2009

GHASTLY GHOSTLY it's all the same!

TRULY a face of divine beauty! Wouldn't you say? HAHAHAHA!

This is infact the newspaper image I've been telling you all about! Infamous for it's frustrative natture on what the hell it means/resembles/blah blah blah.
Can you see the smile I see? Oh so happy! It brings a tear to my eye.
Alright, alright, stop staring! Take a photo it'll last longer.



This video titled !!!BOO!!! is of a ghost saying boo, and is to be played continuously over and over again until the end of time and space itself! Or until your bored and just wanna stop watching it. The painting in the previous post is in fact from a still of this.

What does this video mean? It sends a certain message, a message of the unknown that even the people who you think you know can hide in the darkness and pounce!

Or is it just me with a bag over my head made from newspaper saying boo! BELIEVE WHAT YOU WILL!!!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


GO AHEAD! Post a comment or your own posts here. Come on! I dare ya!

...I'll be sad if ya don't....


Me and My Artworks!

Now lets get this party started!

The Haunted House

To our left is the devilishly handsome and irresistible yours truly Vaughan F. Aka The Joker. And no...I am not the artwork as good as my chiselled jaw may be. HAHAHAHAHA! That big giant cardboard box thing I'm sitting in however is my artwork.

Yes in this photo it is somewhat incomplete! The front where I am peaking out of has since been modified and it is most likely to be painted (not just the front, the whole thing for you people who need that explaination).
But what is it? (And the question is of the castle, not me).

It is in fact that in the making of a haunted house. Yes that's right, I must find a human sacrifice to slay within the walls of newest creation so that it may be haunted...
...or we could go with the more legal way and just pretend and I'll ghost up the place. Although the sacrifice seems like more fun...
...fine!!! I'll ghost it up artificially.

The Smiling Ghost
Can you really say you expected something else from a ghost painting from me? In this painting I really just smeared all the paint with a brush to get the blury ghost effect I wanted. The smile (believe it or not) was not intentional. It's actually the shape of the shadow that I saw. The fact that only one eye showed up was gloriously apreciated. Would ya believe that it's only me with a newspaper bag I made over my head? Hee hee hee. PEAK A BOO!

Monday, August 10, 2009



The theme of this blog if you haven't already guessed is that of the ghastly ghouls and ghostly demons which reside in the buildings of the Western Australian society. The appearances, the scary activities of the unknown, the world of the supernatural and all that hide within! The purpose of this blog is to reach the opened minds of the readers and show some glorious artwork created by yours truly. Welcome to the blog of mysterious creations, creatures and wonders!


This subject will divide all of your opinions! At least it should anyway... We all have our own opinions on everything! Life, death which ever you like best this blog will open your mind. If you are willing to believe in what I tell you. Do you believe in ghosts, or do you not? Have you seen a ghost, or have you not? If you have a tale tell please don't hesitate to comment it on one of my posts. If you can relate it to one of my posts then post it on there. Other wise there will soon be a post made especially for public comments and tales.

Those of you that have lost loved ones near or in these buildings I give my sincerest apologies for publicizing the death or the spirit of your losses even more so than it is already. Other than that people...throw your opinions at me and blabber away!


Well now, let me see into my mind of doorways and enter the room of opinions and we shall see what I have to say. Oooooh! I've got something! Ah yes!...

I don't really know if I believe in ghosts yet. I'm in the middle of yes and no. I am yet to decide which end of the scale I'm on. A bias is yet to come to me. Although...if I were to die (I plan on living far so good) I wouldn't want to go to "heaven" or "hell", I'd much rather stay here on earth as a ghost! Ooooh, just imagine the fun I'd have! Pulling pranks on all those unsuspecting victims. Mucking around with all those who crossed me! Whispering in peoples ears making them think they're going CRAZY when they hear "the voices in their head!" HA HA HA HA HAAAAA HA HA HAAA!

Don't ya just love it! I'd be worse to society dead than alive! HAHAHAHAHAAAA HAHAHAAAA!!!


The ghosts of Western Australia dwell in the walls of the older buildings in the society we live in. The asylum holds crazy ghosts, the prison holds convicted ghosts, the hotel holds lonely ghosts. But just how many of us can say we know what we're talking about when we talk about ghosts? This artist blog will make things interesting!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Old York Hospital/Asylum


There's an old town which has remained the same since the foundings of Australia where buildings are concerned a few hundred kilometers East of the Perth area by the name of YORK. The town is so old it looks run down and useless, but the town folk seem happy enough to stay. Apparently at night the place is a complete ghoul zone where one can see plenty of ghost roaming the streets. That's what I call a ghost town!
But down in old York there is one building in particular which terrible things apparently happen. Strange, ghostly undead things. It is apparently too dangerous for that of the public to even visit anymore as some are said to go in, but few to come out. The shut down York Hospital/Insane Asylum is said to be the worst haunted place in York. Two ghosts apparently reside within the walls of the building and apparently blame humanity for their insane captivity and so punish those who enter their domain.

According to a few police stories an officer brave enough to go in after hearing these stories as a sceptic went in and found dead corpses lying on the floors or in revolting states of torturous positions. The officer was never the same again. The now known Asylum has been shut down forever and closed to the public. But it is feared to be demolished for the thought of the ghosts escaping and wrecking havoc upon old York.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fremantle Arts Museum


Some of you may know of the Fremantle Arts Centre of today, but it wasn't always this. It used to be that of an INSANE ASYLUM (so naturally it gained my interest). The building itself is always cold. There is no air conditioning as it is not needed, even on the hottest of days in summer it's freezing.

It is said that there are three resident ghosts who haunt the building, one of them being a woman who does not venture far from her one walk way, angry and depressed over the loss of her baby child. Poltergeist activity, cold spots, voices and apparitions have all been reported, and it has a reputation of being Western Australia's most haunted building.

After two suspicious deaths before the 1900's became the Asylum shut down. In 1909 it became useful as accomodation for that of homeless women. From 1910-13 it was then a school for MIDWIFERY. In 1942 the building was subject to the American forces as a WARHEADQUARTERS during the world war.

Now days according to staff and visitors, the three ghosts have been sited. The depressed woman mentioned earlier, the psychotic insane male and the playful harmless female. The depressed woman committed suicide by jumping off the first floor of the asylum after admitance for going crazy over her child being kidnapped and possibly eradicated. She wonders the building continuously looking and grieving her lost child. The playful harmless female apparently accidentally killed herself when slipping on a wet floor and falling down a stair well. She was admitted into the asylum because she was just too loco and was friendly with everyone including complete strangers and was seen as a threat to herself. It has been said that people have felt kisses from no-one on their lips, cheeks and other places. This is the work of the playful young lady.

The last of the three ghosts is the male psychotic. Placed in the asylum for being too dangerous to man kind. He often plays tricks on visitors and staff (according to records) via moving inanimate objects or following people and causing paranoia. Random laughing can apparently be heard from some of the halls in the museum, but no-one is there to be laughing, this is the work of the male psychotic, a true loon, yet maybe the ghost of a Joker.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Fremantle Prison


The prison that is now shut down and used as a tourist attraction is haunted by the scoundrel souls of the dead criminally insane and sane. Those who were hung there have either moved onto to that of the after life, or rejected from such a place and doomed to walk the corridors of the cells which once contained them. The same fate goes to all who faced the chair when it was in working times, or even those who were unfortunate enough to be faced by the firing squad. It is said to be a sin to commit ones self to suicide, and those who threw themselves off the top floors of the prison and fell to their splattering death either go to the darker side of the after life or remain aswell in the prison.

The night tours are the main attraction as it is the night when ghosts are said to come out. A fun adventure through the prison to take the entire family on, but be aware there will be nightmares to come. The day tours are similar but oh the less creepier and easily taken with cynical thoughts. And now with the new tunnels found, the tunnel tours can easily scare you with the sights of the souls passing through dirt and concrete.

PERSONAL FACT: Almost 20 years ago (1991) the Fremantle prison was shut down. About 2 years before this my father was released from the prison a free man.

The Kalamunda Hotel Ghost

PEEK-A-BOO! It might see you! might see it. HAHAHA!

It's said that in the hotel of Kalamunda that a female ghost walks among the halls of the elegant hotel. Footsteps and voices and objects moving on their own, it all seems quite the unbelievable. Anyone can say this mumbo jumbo and get away with it really, but unless you see it for yourself you'll never really know.

The story tells that the original and former owner of the Kalamunda Hotel Paddy Connolly was a player of sorts. A real ladies man who never loved, but had fun times (if you know what I mean). But one girl was unlucky enough to be the future care holder of his child. She was only a teenager and had fallen pregnant to this buffoon! So she took the easy way out and threw herself off a balcony and fell to her gruesome death. In failure to have lived her life, she now apparently lays dormant in the hotel. Pacing the halls, toying with the minds of the guests, the long blonde female ghost in a long nightgown is harmless but you'll sh*t bricks when you see her. The cheeky ghost is also a prankster as it is told that she trips of the fire alarm from time to time, and moves around peoples keys or simply follows guests around on the veranda. Some even say they are kissed but there is nothing to be seen kissing them.

A further tale of the story has the young lady suiciding in room 24 of the hotel where none stay for too long. Strange lights and unexplained events happen there. And the hall way is so called, even in the middle of summer. A great place for one with hiccups.

Another tale of the story is of Paddy Conolly himself and his daughter. Tis unfortunate for his daughter to have died in that of the hotel attic, and then further joined after his death. But this version is less popular than that of the dead dame.